Support the roof repair at the Phera School!

104.26% Raised
5.093,00 € donated of 4.885,00 € goal
2 Donors
Campaign has ended

The roof at Phera School is 26 years old and has significant leaks that are allowing water to enter and endanger the classrooms. To fix this problem and protect the students’ learning environment, we are asking for the urgently needed roof repair. A repair before the monsoon is urgently needed.

The cost of the repair is made up of materials (roof covering, wood) and payment for the workers.

Spendennachweis: Bei Spenden bis 300 Euro gilt für das Finanzamt der vereinfachte Spendennachweis in Verbindung mit Ihrem Kontoauszug als gültiger Spendennachweis. Der Spendennachweis für den Verein findet sich hier.

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