General and history

After several trips and work assignments in Nepal, 13 physicians and humanities scholars founded the association Nepalmed on August 30, 2000 in Grimma / Saxony to support the country. Since in Nepal only a small part of the population has access to medical aid, Nepalese initiatives in the field of health care, especially for the education and training of medical staff, but also the financing of construction and maintenance measures in local hospitals are promoted.

Nepalmed e.V. is registered in the register of associations at the district court of Leipzig (VR 20768) and recognized by the tax office as a non-profit organization (last notice dated 24.04.2018).

Association statutes as PDF document (German)

The members come from all over the world. The projects are financed by membership fees and donations. Almost every Euro goes into the project work. The costs for paper, postage and the like are mostly paid privately by members. All members work for the association on a voluntary basis, only Ms. Marx, responsible for student counseling and membership administration, receives compensation for the immense amount of work.

The board meets three times a year on different dates, while a general meeting is held at the end of May / beginning of June each year. Regular contacts with other Nepal organizations, the embassies, ministries and institutions are maintained. Nepalmed e.V. is proud to count the Honorary Consul General of Nepal and Chairman of the German-Nepali Society, Mr. Ram Pratap Thapa, among the members of the association since 2002.

The membership fees are (as of 05 2017) 30 Euro per year, reduced 15 Euro, double membership / married couples 40 Euro, supporting membership for legal entities / companies 100 Euro. In addition to the constantly updated website, members receive 2 information letters per year about events and the association’s work.

Application for membership as PDF document