Last year, with the support of the German North South Bridges Foundation, Nepalmed sponsored an ultrasound machine for the emergency room of the Stupa Community Hospital in Baudha. An additional linear probe is now needed.

78.84% Raised
3.595,20 € donated of 4.560,00 € goal
3 Donors

A linear probe uses high-frequency ultrasound to generate high-resolution images of structures close to the body surface. This makes the probe ideal for vascular imaging and certain procedures such as the insertion of a central venous catheter.

Spendennachweis: Bei Spenden bis 300 Euro gilt für das Finanzamt der vereinfachte Spendennachweis in Verbindung mit Ihrem Kontoauszug als gültiger Spendennachweis. Der Spendennachweis für den Verein findet sich hier.

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