In Nepal, lunch at school is often the only big meal of the day for children. The village of Phera is located at the end of a valley and can only be reached by a single unpaved road or by a footpath that leads over a pass about 3000 m high. The Namo Buddha Primary School has about 40 students. The youngest are 5 years old. For several years Nepalmed has been supporting school kitchens at different locations. Now – due to the general crisis – the income from donations has decreased significantly.  Therefore, we can no longer ensure the purchase of the necessary food for the coming year. The continued operation of the school kitchen in acute danger. Please donate for this small grass-root project! Even small amounts help to guarantee the school lunch. For example: with 5,- Euro you can buy 10 kg of rice.

118.43% Raised
7.106,00 € donated of 6.000,00 € goal
19 Donors
Campaign has ended

The people in Phera live mainly from agriculture and animal husbandry, as well as from trekking tourism, for example by being hired as porters. Due to the Corona pandemic, the important income from tourism has largely ceased, which eventually also severely affected the nutritional situation, especially for the children.

Therefore, Nepalmed e. V. had installed a school kitchen in the Namo Buddha Primary School in the course of 2020, along with a PAUL water filter, which provides clean drinking water. The purchase of the food was sponsored by Nepalmed e. V.. The school lunch generated in this way was very well received and is a blessing for the children, because it is often the only real meal of the day. The teachers are also very happy with this facility: now they can also hold reasonable lessons in the afternoon!


Spendennachweis: Bei Spenden bis 300 Euro gilt für das Finanzamt der vereinfachte Spendennachweis in Verbindung mit Ihrem Kontoauszug als gültiger Spendennachweis. Der Spendennachweis für den Verein findet sich hier.

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